May 25, 2009

the inclination to rise.... (artist statement)

Life is not for the faint of heart. In the natural course of things, everything moves toward a state of entropy, chaos, decay, and death. In my own life, I have dealt with a chronic illness for more than twenty years and have come face to face with this sense of decline.

In the past few years I have begun a journey in which I follow the impulses of my body— to rest when it wants to rest, and to move when it wants to move. Often I get up only because I have an “obligation to rise.” On days when I have no such obligation, I have allowed myself the time to rest.

For a while, I thought I would never get up if I did not have a reason. Yet, over time, I have found that I have “the inclination to rise….”

This installation explores a call to spirit to move beyond the ordinary, to rise up in the face of pain, exhaustion, deep fatigue. Though the experience is personal to me, the query is universal: What inspires the soul to rise above the obstacles and challenges and natural propensities of life? Perhaps it is a desire for connection, a curiosity to discover something new, an experience of something inspiring or beautiful, or a sense of adventure. Perhaps it is all of these things and more.

As you view this installation, I invite you to explore for yourself, what is “the inclination to rise…”?


  1. This is exceptionally well-written. You delve deeply into yourself and others. I remember talking with you several years ago about these uncontrollable processes of life that envelope (all of) us and how to persevere. Or more accurately, when and how to follow one's "soul journey."

    Your artist statement would speak straight to the vulnerable core of me even if we hadn't spoken years ago. Although I've accepted more of what my body tells me in recent years and am happier and healthier for that mindful decision, I still have an ongoing struggle with "allow{ing} myself that time to rest." It's much easier and more natural for me to *allow* others their needs than my own.

    You summed up your creative quest well with "Though the experience is personal to me, the query is universal." Yes, indeed! Jennifer,I greatly look forward to your artistic interpretation of this "inclination to rise!"

  2. Thanks Lynne.

    Perhaps you can join us for an impromptu informal gathering at Artomatic this Saturday from 5-8pm in my space 7-8-C-C2.

    Hope to see you there!
