May 26, 2009

the inclination to rise.... (layout and price list)

price list:

1. precursor............................ $250

2. pomegranates..........................75

3. salutation.............................. 375

4. homage a rothko................... 200

5. airborne................................. 225

6. exubredance.......................... 375

7. cosmic tree ........................... 100

8. chesed (lovingkindness).......... 125

9. hod (empathy)........................ 125

10. incline plane......................... 250

11. yaakov.................................. 750

12. keter (pure consciousness).....125

13. trust walk.............................. 400

14. gevurah (strength).................. 125

15. union..................................... 100

16. exodus................................... 450

17. eagle eye............................... 125

18. supplication.......................... 650

19. irises..................................... 100

20. firedancers............................ 650

21. (3, –3)................................... 250

22. median strip.......................... 100

23. sonora sunrise....................... 100

To purchase artwork from this installation, contact Jennifer Judelsohn at (703)256-0485 or Cash, check, or credit card payment accepted.


  1. Hi J,
    Artomatic is a terrific venue. There's such an incredible wealth of diverse talent that many of us return more than once to soak in all of that eye candy.

    Is this installation diagram representative of your wall at Artomatic? Will colour photos of your artwork be coming in on another post? (I don't see any of your delicious artwork showing on my computer, only empty boxes.)

  2. Glad I returned. These pieces sing with movement and rich cheerful colors. I'm looking forward to seeing these in person.
