May 3, 2009

Evolution of Art: STROIK! at Beanetics during May

Today we hung a most dynamic, energetic show at Beanetics. Come by and check out Monica Stroik's oil paintings. They are modern, colorful, abstract, geometric works. Each piece is like a dance, full of dimension and movement.

On the one hand, Stroik's work explores what she refers to as the "monotonous, repetition" of daily life like brushing our teeth and going to work. On the other hand, her work explores the "undulating flow of relationships... thought processes of hopes, dreams... regrets..." ultimately leading to an exploration of questions of consciousness: "Who am I? What is my purpose in life? What will happen when I die?"

Here's how Stroik describes her process:

These layers of life are what I am illustrating through my paintings. All of my current work uses repetition as a rhythm and a play between worlds of color, movement, and shapes. I build layers that intermingle creating a subtext for those layers of life. In contrast to the more organic layers, there will usually be a repetitious division of space, through the structure of the square or rectangle. This structure will create a pattern like syncopation. But, unlike most patterns, the elements are not all the same. Like life, you never know what will happen next and that is how I paint. I begin with a gestural motion, which is usually a thinner layer of paint. The layer of paint that comes next reacts to the layer that came before. The third layer may interchange between the first two layers creating a dynamic interest between surface and viewer. And so is life, seeming to be linear in content but obviously more cyclical, alternating, flowing, and random.
Stroik's show will be on exhibit through June 6th. We will be having an artist reception on May 16th, from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome. Stop by and meet Monica and talk with her about her art and process. I am sure you will be enchanted!

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