April 26, 2009

PEEPS 180: the inclination to rise...

Over time, I have learned that as long as I’m okay having the answer be “no”, I have nothing to lose, and much to be gained, by asking for what I want. Case in point, installing my exhibit at Artomatic this year.

This year I am creating an installation called “the inclination to rise….” My request for assistance began yesterday, the day I was scheduled to pick my space. If you came to visit me at Artomatic last year, you’re likely to remember my little corner. I loved that spot because it was set in a little, and allowed me to create my own nook that was ideal for entertaining, and allowed for a little less "visual competition" (which is quite a fine accomplishment when there are eight floors of visual art display space). I was hoping for a similar spot this year, but it was already taken on the floor that was open for spot choosing during my selection time. I happened to go down to the seventh floor however, and there was the perfect spot. But I was told I could not have it because it was not yet open for selection. Ah, but this is a lesson in asking for what you want, and trusting the process....

Thanks Carlos for walking by at the right time. I mentioned my wish for my ideal space on the 7th floor. He walked with me to see it and said, “Of course you want this space, Jennifer. It’s just like your spot last year.” Before I ran into Carlos, others had said no to my request. Being willing to have the answer be “no” allowed me to ask for what I wanted and find someone who was willing and able to help me out. Now I have the ideal space on the seventh floor, right across from the PEEPS exhibit.

Want to find me at Artomatic this year? Just think “PEEPS 180.” Or if you need the actual address: 7-8-C-C2. I look forward to seeing you at Artomatic 2009!

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