February 27, 2009

Project Create Celebrates 15 Years of Free Art Classes!

Great people!
Lots of enthusiasm!
High energy!
Great art!

Tonight's celebration and silent auction fundraiser was a grand success for Project Create and the children it serves. The Reyes + Davis Gallery was the perfect backdrop for the occasion, as the Project Create board, teachers, and representatives of its partner sites gathered with friends and associates to enjoy an evening of music and art. There were about thirty pieces of art total donated by local artists, including some of the Project Create teachers and me, ceramics by GW students, and a couple pieces that were created by Project Create students. The silent auction was a great success, with more than half of the art selling! And yes, my piece, "Narrow Bridge" sold too!

Project Create helps build character and foster life skills by bringing the arts to children living in emergency, transitional, and long-term affordable family housing programs. Project Create really makes a difference in the lives of the students it serves. Classes are taught by professional artists and the students create interesting works of art that reflect who they are. Students develop artistic talents, learn new skills, develop problem-solving strategies, and express themselves creatively...all of which helps build self-esteem.The arts enrich and empower these children to expand their horizons and transform their lives. Project Create is committed to making the arts accessible to these children.

To provide a whole school-year's worth of classes for one student costs a mere $100. Tonight's event was a great help along the way. If you weren't able to join us tonight and you want to help give the arts to very deserving children, you can find all the information for donating your money, time, or services here.

And on behalf of everyone at Project Create, I thank you for your support!

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