February 28, 2009

Evolution of Art: Making Herstory 4 is at Beanetics

This is a weekend of hanging shows! Yesterday, Michelle and I hung the show at Sewall-Belmont House and Museum. For those of you who don't know, Sewall-Belmont House and Museum is the home of the National Women's Party, and houses records and memorabilia regarding the Women's Movement, including women's right to vote, and the Equal Rights Amendment. The house is dedicated to informing the public about and promoting women's issues of equality. If you've never been there, it's a great place to vist, located on the corner of Constitution Avenue and 2nd Ave., NE.
The opening of the group show, Making Herstory4: Feminine Reflection begins with a Grande Reception on March 5th, at Sewall-Belmont, from 6-8pm. Join us for great art, fabulous live performances, and lots of great connections with the artists. More that 25 artists are involved in the show, and each visual artist has a piece at Sewall-Belmont.

The show is also at two other venues simultaneoiusly. This is the first time the show has expanded in this way to the greater metropolitan DC area. Besides the main exhibiton at SBH in WDC, there are auxillary exhibits at Peace and a Cup of Joe (77 W. Pratt St, Baltimore, MD), and Beanetics Coffee Roasters (7028 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA).

Today, I (with quite a bit of help from Gwenn Zaberer (an H4 artist) and her husband, Travis Hunter,) hung the show at Beanetics. It is a fabulous little show, featuring the works of six of the H4 artists: Heather Schmaedeke, Nihal Kececi, Elnora Wilson, Robin McDougal, Gwenn Zaberer, and Nil Navaie.

We will be having an Art, Poetry, and Coffee Tasting Reception at Beanetics on April 5th, from 2-5pm. Come on by and meet the artists, taste some fabulous coffee, and hear the dynamic verse of local poet, Ashira Malka. I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than by celebrating women and the arts!

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