January 29, 2009

The Weather Outside Is Frightful.....

I woke up this morning to the sound of people crunching past my bedroom window. As they walked to their cars in the parking lot, they walked on the icy sidewalk. CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! It was like listening to a bowl of rice krispies and milk on steroids.

I rolled over and decided not to go to yoga today. It is a good day to stay home. Just like yesterday. Except that yesterday was snowy, white, fluffy... reminiscent of those mornings in Buffalo when all the world glistened. Today, we have freezing sleeting rain.

After living in the WDC area for as long as I have, I have come to appreciate days of freezing, sleeting rain. They are days to curl up with a good book, do crossword puzzles, create some art, or clean the pantry and bake cookies.

While rearranging and cleaning out the pantry, I decided to used up ends of things... Hence the big plate of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (with currants and walnuts). These, along with a cup of coffee, made the perfect snack for a Princess. This gave just enough fortification to put doors on the shelves in the pantry. (We still need two doors.) And I augmented the prosperity corner of the prosperity corner. It's a feng shui thing. (Our pantry is in the prosperity corner of the apartment.)

Anyway, I love hanging out in the pantry. Sounds crazy, I know. But there is a comfy futon couch and pillows, and lots of fun cookbooks to read. The sun comes streaming through the window. It's a cozy space to hang out with a cup of coffee or tea and daydream.

Next was nap-time. Who can resist the call of the bed when it's cold and rainy outside and the world is freezing over? Not me! I truly believe naps are wasted on the young. There's nothing more snuggly than crawling under the covers...

Waking up refreshed and relaxed, I spent the better part of the rest of the day and evening working on a mandala commissioned for a newborn, precious, little baby. What a joy to work on something so vibrant and full of life. Even on a blustery day like today, I am hopeful for the future, when the sun shines brightly and the weather is warm, and the air is filled with celebration.

All in all, a very good day! The weather outside is frightful. But in here, it's delightful!

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