January 25, 2009

Partner Yoga

Today, David and I attended a Partner Yoga workshop at the Skyline Sport and Health Club. This was the third such workshop that we have taken with Tootje, my favorite yoga instructor. As always, it is a time for David and I to connect, play, experiment.

In partner yoga, there is always some point of physical contact between the two individuals. It requires true partnership and mutual support. Making contact physically, breathing in unison, and moving into and holding poses with conscious intention allows David and me to explore places of intimacy and trust in a safe nurturing environment.

Besides all the "spiritual" and "emotional" benefits, it's just plain fun. We are like two kids in a candy store, eager to explore the pose suggested, excited for the next one. We laugh a lot together in this class. Sometimes we fall together, and find ourselves rolling on each other. Sometimes we fly.

Sometimes we are able to anticipate each other's states and move into and out of asanas with grace and mutual support.

I love the chance to spend this time with David in deep, though often silent, communication. It's one of our favorite "dates." We walk away feeling stretched and a little more connected. It is nurturing to us individually and as a couple. The next time Tootje teaches the class, I highly recommend you grab a friend and try it out. I think you'll be glad you did!

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