April 28, 2007

We're Here!

Hi Everyone!

It's great to be at Peace and a Cup of Joe today to talk about my art,and how it has evolved over the years. Stop by and say hello.

This show represents almost 15 years of mandala work. It has carried me through all kinds of life experiences. I know that I'm the one who did the art, and still, there are pieces that move me and inspire me on a purely artistic basis. Each piece has a story that goes with it. It's been a long road to get here, and I am so happy to have arrived.

It is great to see Sharon here from Project Create. You'll know her because she's wearing a Project Create t-shirt. We have pictures of students who have participated in Project Create classes, as well as some samples of their artwork.

Stop on by. Support a great cause! Be inspired!


  1. I'm at the show now myself, and it looks great! There's cool music playing, people walking in off the street and being captivated by the artwork.

    Really, you have to see this artwork! Words and even pictures can hardly do it justice.

    I'm also really happy to help support a worthy cause like Project Create. I know the good work they do, for kids that otherwise would have no opportunity to do anything artistic. Art is such a central aspect of a child's development, I think, so it's really great that Project Create is making it possible for at-risk kids to take art classes. And I'm really impressed that Jennifer is donating a portion of the proceeds of the show to Project Create--it demonstrates a real generosity of spirit!

    So come on down and check it out!

  2. The show is incredible! The art is soothing and inspiring. The gorgeous colors are on calm black backgrounds. Beautiful.

    Cool music and a great space.

    Jennifer's connection to Project Create enhances this show. Providing art experiences for at-risk kids is one of the best ways to help them. You can see the hope in their eyes in their photos on the wall and pick up some beautiful notecards designed by the children.

    Definitely check out this show!

  3. It's great being back at Peace and supporting my friend and fellow artist, Jennifer Judelsohn today in Baltimore. There are so many art events this weekend in the DC and Baltimore area, but I felt compelled to support Jennifer's show because her work is so special--I think it's wonderful that she is bringing the magic and mystery of mandalas to the mainstream (try saying that 5 times fast...LOL!).

    Also, Jennifer introduced me to the work of Project Create last fall and I became a member of the board as of November. For her to think of the young people that we serve on a weekly basis with quality arts programs as a recipient of the sales of her work is commendable.

    On behalf of Project Create, I urge you to take time and come by if not today, before this show ends and see Jennifer's work. If you are moved, consider taking one home with the knowledge that it will support some of DC's neediest children.

  4. JJ,
    Colliding colors, flowing foward movements,moments. Time,living time.
    JJ's work. Take a look.

    monk-e myspace

  5. I love the exhibit, especially the delightful surprise of the collages upstairs.

    The mandalas remind me of my childhood, when I loved playing with spirograph.

  6. I'm here, blogging from the art/cafe space, somewhat under durress in that I usually like to reflect a bit before committing myself to print. Not always before I speak, though, so just pretend we're here together. This show and the space containing it is utterly worth your time and attention. I should have put that in bold print. If you at all interested in the jointure os psyche, soma and image; a reader of "The Alpha-Bet vs. the Goddess" who'd be happy to see the 'vs.' part healed; one who honors the dark source of all that lives and vibrates and emits light; the revitalization of neighborhoods; the marriage of art and commerce in really conscious and creative ways; and the utterly soulful venue for all of the above that only a suffering city like Baltimore can provide--then this is the place to come.

    Blessings to all who make the trip.

  7. Truly inspirational and in such a cozy setting. The peace and a cup of Joe Cafe is a very warm and inviting environment, but I can't imagine it without Jennifer's Art work. Her work is passionate, inspirational and thought provoking. Jennifer has a real talent for demonstrating spirit in art. Thank you for the invitation and opportunity to unwind on an otherwise busy Saturday afternoon. As I speak I am going back to the hussle and bussle of my life, but with more centeredness.

  8. One of my favorites...I have been drawn to it repeatedly in the last few weeks. "Returning to the Light", it amazingly captures the feeling of being drawn to something greater than yourself in an irrisistable and light way. Yet, at the same time it captures the necessity of being drawn to the light and the intensity of that light. Leaves me with a feeling of wanting to find out 'what the light is all about'. hmmmm

  9. The joe is hot and strong, along with Jen's art work. Check out the one titled "Koof" cool art for a hot spot.also check out the upstairs. good for studying or what ever.
    c u later
