April 25, 2007

Goodness in Life

Here's another image from my book, Songs of Creation. The original image is hanging in the show. This is my interpretation of the Hebrew letter Tet.

Tet is about "goodness in all things."
Here's what I wrote in the book:
The goodness in life is glowing all around us, radiant and brilliant. Sometimes goodness is easy to recognize; at other times goodness is hidden. In those difficult times, we are called on to have faith and search for the goodness in the darkness. From Tet we learn that a single spark of light is powerful enough to dispel the darkness. Tet encourages us to find the light hidden in the dark. It suggests that we look for the good within.
So, how does this relate to Journey Circles, you ask?
First, arts are a way to explore what's inside. The arts are a way to connect with that internal spark, radiant and brilliant within each one of us. Go see the show and be inspired. Maybe you'll find yourself doodling, or grabbing that sketchbook you have hidden on your shelf. Maybe you'll go out on these beautiful days and photograph the blooming nature.
Second, you can do something good for others, and help them use the arts to connect with their own true nature and inner spark. Every purchase you make helps Project Create lead more classes in African drumming, photography, web design, painting, bookmaking, etc. These classes are all taught by professional artists. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for these kids.
Third, springtime is a great time to shed some light on those closets and cupboards. If you are feeling the urge to do some spring cleaning, and have art supplies that are looking for a new home, Project Create is happy to oblige. We always have a need for :
  • old paintbrushes
  • acrylic paints (that aren't dried out)
  • half-used pads of drawing/watercolor/charcoal paper
  • matting & framing materials (for works of art 8x10 and larger)
  • storage containers
  • 35mm cameras & unused film
  • canvas panels
  • t-shirts & button downs (used for smocks)
  • tabletop easels
If you have items to share - please contact Project Create (marget@projectcreatedc.org) to find out about how you can help.
The book also has an intention for how to live the energy of the letter in your daily life. I think that Tet's is particularly brilliant as a philosophy for life:

Be observant. See the good: See the human spirit rising to the occasion, people connecting with each other -- speaking kindly, embracing, experiencing hearts opening.

See you Saturday. Until then, have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. how about the TV american idle give back show? big busness like Coke giving money to big busness like the pharmacical companys. what about more of a grass roots event?
