April 20, 2007

Earth Day is coming on Sunday, but I couldn't wait!

Earth Day is this Sunday, but I am inspired by the beautiful weather and all the plants in bloom to talk about it today. So I'm putting up this image from the show. It's called Illuminbloom.
I went for a walk with a friend this morning and noticed how everything is in bloom. Flowering trees: apple, dogwood, azalea, cherry. Lots of flowers sprouting forth from the ground: tulips, daffodils, dandelions.
On my way home I saw two asian women harvesting fresh dandelions on the side of the road. It made me think about all the natural remedies Mother Earth provides for us for health and well-being. Life doesn't have to be so complicated. It can be as simple as picking some dandelion greens to add to your salad for dinner tonight.
I love this particular drawing because the flowers look so lush and luminous. Walking today gave me that same feeling. The sun is shining and it is warm outside. Everything in my small, little world is good and peaceful. It is good to be alive, to have a planet Earth that provides all we need, and showers us with such radiant beauty. I invite you to take some time today and go outside and look around. Breathe deeply. Look at the clouds. Smell the roses. Eat some dandelion greens. The world we live on is such a beautiful planet. Let's keep it that way.
There are so many small efforts we can make that can have a huge impact, like recycling. Personally, one change I made a long time ago was to replace paper napkins with cloth ones. It helps the environment and mealtime feels like a special event with cloth napkins.
Here's another idea: plant a tree in someone's name. It's a great thing to do for the environment, and it's a great way to honor someone you love. You can go to www.americanforests.org.
Or turn the water off when you brush your teeth.
There are lots of things you can do to save the earth. Just do something. Every little bit helps. It's worth the effort to take care of our home. She's the only one we have.

1 comment:

  1. While Earth Day 2007 has come & gone - it never hurts to make every day Earth day (as the saying goes).

    Donating to Project Create is a great way to foster environmental stewardship. That's right, by donating your used (but still in good & usable condition) art supplies, you can keep things out of the landfills and help at-risk youth in DC at the same time.

    Do you have...
    - old paintbrushes
    - acrylic paints (that aren't dried out)
    - half-used pads of drawing/watercolor/charcoal paper We - matting & framing materials (for works of art 8x10 and larger)
    - storage containers
    - 35mm cameras & unused film
    - canvas panels
    - t-shirts & button downs (used for smocks)
    - tabletop easels

    If you have items to share - please contact Project Create (marget@projectcreatedc.org) to find out about how you can help.
