April 29, 2007

Price List

Here's a list of the pieces in the show. As you can see, the pieces have a range of prices, so there's bound to be something for everyone!

Integration $625
Birthing Creativity $650
Healing Hands $430
Complementary Opposites $195
The Heart of Consciousness $230
Sounding Oneness $290
Returning to the Light $430
Transformation $785
Portals $185
Love Blossom $195
Stillpoint SOLD
Moon Mountain
Narrow Bridge $400
Vav $300
Zayin $275
Chet $275
Tet $275
Kaf $180
Samech $275
Pey $275
Koof $300
Prosperity SOLD
Hybiscus $125
Release $125
Illuminbloom $220
Caribbean Sunset $150
Yitzhak’s Resolution $300
Ingathering $330
Shekhina in the Garden $800
Unity $280
Tzim Tzum: Shattered and Scattered
Sh’viti Hashem: Healing Hatred $415

To purchase any of these pieces, contact Michelle Parrish at mik@thickart.com.

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