May 15, 2007

Healing Hands

Here's an image from the show at Peace and a Cup of Joe. It's called Healing Hands. This piece explores the ability we all have to help heal the world. There's a lot we can do to make the world a better place. Jewish tradition teaches that it is not up to any one of us to do all the healing. It is, however, the responsibility of each one of us to do our part. There is little we can do individually to make a big difference. If we all do a little bit, we can make a big difference together.
We all live very busy lives. Take a break. Look around. See what small difference you can make.
Perhaps it's just taking some time to be inspired. Come on out on Sunday to a great little cafe in Baltimore and enjoy some art that's guaranteed to make you feel good. It's the small difference I try to make in the world. I'd love to see you and hear what you do.
Here's the details:
I will be at Peace and A Cup of Joe on Sunday, May 20th, from 2-5pm.
The address is 713 W. Pratt Street, Baltimore Maryland.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, there's a tremendous amount of insight and inspiration in your words and your images. What a simple idea: Looking for one small thing that I can do to make a difference. "Think globally, act locally." Looking inside myself to discover my own wisdom, my own special gifts, and sharing that in whatever way I can. I don't have to try to do everything; I just want to do *something*.

    You continue to inspire and amaze, and I am definitely planning to be at the cafe on Sunday!
