January 20, 2011

Evolution of Art: Ashira Malka's "Nothing to Say, Something to Show"

As we hung the new show at Beanetics yesterday, shop patrons stopped to comment on how much they liked the new exhibit. And with good reason! Ashira Malka is a poet, artist, photographer, videographer... really just one of the most creative folks you'll ever meet! The Evolution of Art, along with Beanetics Coffee Roasters, is thrilled to have the good fortune of being the first to show a collection of her paintings in a solo exhibition. "Nothing to Say, Something to Show" is definitely a show worth seeing!

Artistically, Ashira Malka is a creative risk-taker who likes to do things her own way. In fact, she is fond of saying she is not like other people. Several pieces are squares, hung on the diagonal.

From left: Turkish Eye,  Flame-Flower,  Mayan Dessert Day, Arched Roots, Porthole to Adobe

That this is not how most people hang their art is just part of what makes Ashira Malka such an exciting artist to see. It is to her credit that she stands up for her creative beliefs and visions, and we are the beneficiaries of all those creative juices. Viewing Ashira Malka's art, we can imagine a world in which everyone celebrates their own uniqueness!

Ashira Malka's colorful paintings are both deceptively simple and filled with a sophisticated complexity, drawing the viewer in deeply to explore their symbolism. Each piece tells a story. Sometimes the title gives a clue, such as "Lake Anew", which if you say the two words together, allowing Lake and Anew to blend into one word, sounds more like Le Canoe, and suggests to the viewer to take a closer look and find the little canoe on the lake in the foreground of the painting. It is things like this that make Ashira Malka's work witty and engaging!

Ashira Malka's show, "Nothing to Say, Something to Show", is on display at Beanetics Coffee Roasters (2078 Columbia Pike, Annandale, Virginia 22003) through February 28, 2011.

Do join us for an artist reception on Sunday, February 6th from 2-4pm.
Everyone is welcome!

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