March 14, 2009

H4 is at Peace and A Cup of Joe: Come on by and say hi!

Michelle and I have arrived at Peace and A Cup of Joe for today's opening for Making Herstory 4. We have pink tablecloths and napkins (a signature feature of the Making Herstory events), some wine, and some amazingly tasty sticky buns made by Ron. We've seen some of you come by and take a look at the art. We are so glad you're here!

Trenell McKauley has shown up with her radio equipment to broadcast live from here. Check her out on

Bill Allen, a friend of Making Herstory, and a great photographer in his own right, has come by to support the cause. If you want to see some great photos (he has a great eye) check out his website:

Dehejia Maat has arrived now. She is a longtime friend of Making Herstory: in past years she did a performance, as she did this year at the Grande Reception at Sewall-Belmont House and Museum, where she read an excerpt of her one woman show she is creating about the life of Billy Holliday. This year, Dehejia ventured into the visual arts and has a great mandala in the show at Sewall-Belmont, and two pieces here at Peace and a Cup of Joe.

And now Robin McDougal has just arrived. Yea! She's here both as an artist (she has three pieces altogether in the H4 at each venue). Her pieces are from her collection: Touch Me Here: Passionate Love Letters from the Seasons of Love. Touch Me Here is the title of Robin's book, which she will be reading from today!

Robin's book, Touch Me Here, was written to spread the message that heart disease is the number 1 killer of women, and proceeds from the book support the American Heart Association's "Go Red for Women" movement! The goal is to reach two million women and raise $250,000 by 2010. This is a very worthy cause and deserves all of our support! Come on out everyone and support women in the arts, and women's health.

I am thrilled that Loretta Thompson has shown up with her family. I've had a lovely chat with Loretta's parents, and her daughter, Kyla, and son, Rudy. I just gave Rudy my camera so he can go around and take pictures of this wonderful event. I'll get them posted eventually.

Robin McDougal is currently reading from her book, Touch Me Here. Robin has everyone here captivated as she talks about the seasons of love. I love that she gave everyone in the room a copy of her book so they can follow along as she reads. Touch Me Here combines Robin's photographs with writings based on her relationships, and conversations with others about the relationships in their life. Robin has created quite a conversation with this crowd about being mindful of your relationships, and taking care of them. Good advice for everyone: Take care of the relationships that are important to you. Don't take them for granted. Put the time and energy in; invest in your relationships. Who can argue with that? Great presentation, Robin!!!!

After Robin's reading, a very interesting conversation began about the process of creating art and putting it out into the world. How do you as an artist see the world? How do you get to the point of putting your art out into the world? The artists in the room all agree in essence that you have to let go on an ego level, and no longer view your art as your child. That way, you can put your art out there for others to see and share, and be okay if others don't like it or see the world the same way you do.

What a fabulous Saturday afternoon. If you want to join in the excitement, come meet us on April 5th, from 2-5pm, at Beanetics, 7208 Columbia Pike, in Annandale, Virginia, 22003. We're going to have a coffee tasting (Beanetics roasts its own coffee, and it is fabulous) and a poetry reading by Ashira Malka (check out her blog: See you there!


  1. Netchem, a Kemetic word for beauty and all things good. The feeling I got when I walked in the door. It is a blessing and an honor to to be a part of her HerStory once again. The wine candles and homemade sticky buns were lovely. This was a wonderful way to celebrate women in Art.

  2. So many great people here at the best coffee shop in Baltimore! It's cold and rainy outside, but warm and friendly inside. As always, it's great to meet the artists behind the work.

  3. The art on the walls is very interesting. I think Marina Reiter's piece looks like amoebas. I like how colorful the painting is. And of course, we love our daughter, Loretta Thompson's work. We are so proud of her artistic talents and that she finds time to do her art.

  4. The art is pretty pretty! I especially like Dehejia Maat's piece, I Dreamt You, because it has people in it.

    And of course I love my mommy's art.

  5. This show is interesting because of all of the creativity that is expressed. I think that I would like to know the inspiration behind the pieces.

    My mother, Loretta Thompson, is also in this show. Her work is my favorite!

  6. The atmosphere is quite warm and refreshing. The artwork makes the scene very livable, with quiet conversation as you view. The art reaches out and touches the viewer. If you have not seen the show, or visited Peace and A Cup of Joe, you should definitely come by!

  7. "Oh WOW!" That is what I said when I discovered the second floor at Peace & a Cup of Joe. I had visited the coffee shop on a weekly basis during my lunch break from work and I never knew the hidden wonders that awaited me on the 2nd floor. Great art, wonderful people, and a good cup of coffee. Very supportive and friendly art group.

  8. Sorry I missed it! Hope it was fabulous!
