January 31, 2010

Evolution of Art: Lynne Harris's oil paintings going up today

Here I am, sitting at Beanetics, with February's "Evolution of Art" artist, Lynne Harris. This is a very exciting moment, as it is Lynne's first exhibit... ever! We are so lucky to be her debut space!
Let's find out a little bit about Lynne.

Shall we ask the normal questions about art and process and inspiration? Sure, why not?

So Lynne, how long have you been doing art?
Since childhood. I was a free spirit and my art teachers didn't appreciate what I did. Perhaps I was never a "rule-follower" and I didn't take art to an academic level. Still, I always painted and drew at home. I never painted with oils until two years ago.
What drew you to oils?
For a number of years I have been interested in experimenting, but I lacked opportunity. One day I stopped to talk with my dear friend, Celine, who happened to be outside ACMoore, and we began talking about painting. Celine told me she was taking a class with Nancy Jung and asked if I might want to join. I jumped at the chance, and the rest is history!
Do you paint from photographs?
Yes. I always paint from photographs actually. I like the fact that it's going to be an original.
What's your favorite subject matter?
Dogs portraits. I like dogs and they prove to be interesting subject matter. It's a challenge to bring out the expressions on their faces.
I've noticed that you seem to paint quite bit about England.
I am originally from England. Perhaps I'm slightly homesick for scenes of the British Isles. In England, every time you leave a town center, you are winding through the lanes of rural England, which strike me as more aesthetically pleasing than American strip malls.
How long have you been in the States?
We came over in November 2000, for two years. We came for my husband's work, and here we are ten years later. We have four daughters, each very different from the other. We also have two dogs, one cat, two rabbits, and one hamster. We are soon to get a goldfish for my seven year old's birthday. I want Fairfax to change it's laws so I can have chickens and ducks also. You need to read my blog: http://www.4kids1dog1cat1deadhamster.blogspot.com/

It has been a real pleasure chatting with you today, Lynne. I wish you much success in your artistic endeavors.

Lynne's work will be on exhibit at Beanetics Coffee Roasters (7028 Columbia Pike in Annandale) to Friday, February 26th. We are having an artist reception in her honor on Saturday, February 6th from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome and we hope you come on by to chat with this most interesting of artists!

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