December 26, 2009

Evolution of Art: Landscapes by Jean Marie Barrett

In the midst of all the holiday hooplah, it was wonderful to go to Beanetics this afternoon to change the exhibit. It was a chance to see so many friendly faces, and feel like part of the community. The end of one show and the beginning of the next is always a time of transition, and anticipation. There is a bit of excitement in the air as we figure out how the show is to be hung. It's a chance for me to chat with the new artist and get to know them a little better as we hang their show. I love the creative exchange of ideas and sense of camaraderie.

Jean Marie Barrett is a lot like her art. Her landscapes have a familiar quality. They are colorful, engaging, and draw you in. Spend a little time talking with Jean Marie and you are drawn in by her friendliness and colorful, lively stories.

Many of Barrett's pieces are of houses from Vienna, Virginia, the neighborhood she lives in. As the viewer, I find myself wanting to walk on the street where these houses are. I want to knock on the doors and talk with the neighbors. I love the accessibility of Barrett's work. In that way, it is reminiscent of Norman Rockwell's work: a slice of American life.

Barrett's work will be on display at Beanetics through January 30th. There is an artist reception on Saturday, January 9, 2010 from 7-9pm. Come by, have some coffee and dessert, see some great art, and meet a great artist! You'll be glad you did!

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