August 2, 2009

Evolution of Art: Peter Flint's Artist Satement

It is always a pleasure to meet an artist who is truly passionate about what they do. And Peter Flint, the next artist to exhibit at Beanetics, is refreshingly so. Here's what he says about his life as a photogrpaher...

As a relatively young photographer growing up in a technology based society, it is difficult to find a way to express oneself. When looking at a scene I try to find a new way to see it, and this different view is what I try to convey through my images.My images are an expression of myself by showing the places I go from my own personal and unique perspective. Often I don’t plan what is going to be in the picture, instead I just happen to be walking by when I have my camera. Nowadays there are countless people who find photography a very enjoyable hobby; what I am attempting to do is to take it from a hobby and turn it into a lifestyle. Living life behind the lens of my camera is something that I love and I hope to continue to show others what I see in life.

I began my work as a photographer in high school, just taking pictures here and there. After about a year of this I began to realize that I really enjoyed what I was doing. I then began to slowly and steadily upgrade my camera and my education. As a freshman in college I took my first photography class and from there I started to really expand upon my experience, and broaden my horizons. I began work as a freelance photographer for my college newspaper. My creativity was repressed for a little while, yet the structured aspects of the job enabled me to improve the technical aspects of my work. After a year of working for George Mason’s newspaper, I was hired by the Falls Church News Press to work freelance. While working for them I have had the opportunity to photograph many different occasions varying from President Obama to middle school science fairs. This has again helped me to work on my professional career as well as have some fun. Currently I am working as the photography manager of George Mason University’s Student Media Department. Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to help others find their own form of expression with photography.

Peter's photographs will be on display at Beanetics through September 12, 2009.

There will be an Artist Reception on Sunday, August 16th, from 2-5pm. Come on out and support this young artist. You'll be glad you did!

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