September 29, 2008

One Artist's Experience Exhibiting at Beanetics

Today I received a wonderful email from Jane Forth, an encaustic artist who exhibited at Beanetics back in June 2008. Recently, she wrote a short article for the WCA*DC electronic newsletter, and forwarded it to me. As you can imagine, I am thrilled that Jane had such a postive experience exhibitng in the "Evolution of Art" series. It has been my intention to offer artists a non-traditonal exhbit space that was professional and inviting both to artists and patrons. I appreciate the feedback.

With Jane's permission, I am enclosing her article:

Interesting Spaces -- BEANETICS
“Rewarding” is how I would describe my experiences this past year of exhibiting work in unique gallery spaces. In June, I exhibited work at Beanetics, an independent coffee house in Annandale. Other WCA members have also exhibited here during this past year.
Jennifer Judelsohn inspired Amy and David Starr, the owner’s of Beanetics, to exhibit original fine art in their coffee house, and .she has developed a solid exhibiting and marketing plan for this inviting, intimate setting. People come to this coffee house because of its gourmet refreshments and friendly service. Original artwork on the walls adds meaning and beauty to anyone’s day -even to fly-by customers of take-out coffee.. They do look and comment on your work.
Even more important, one can invite one’s friends and potential collectors to this setting as well as to the reception-- where blogging on Jennifer’s laptop is a featured interactive program. A friend of mine e-mailed me recently,” I googled your name and found a really nice interview with you.” Jennifer’s Blog is out there working for you!
In appreciation –Jennifer has done wonderful work here in opening up an artist opportunity that is well organized and has potential for sales. (She handles all sales transactions). The gallery is eye-catching from the street, professionally hung and lit and accommodates smaller work as well as small numbers of larger works. Beanetics has all the elements I look for in unique exhibiting spaces –organized, attractive exhibiting area, accessible and located in a business I would like to frequent. Jennifer can be contacted at or (703)256-0485.

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