February 12, 2008

Freedom of Release: Update on February's Circles of Creativity

On my way to class last night, I was concerned about the topic: "Freedom of Release". When I developed the seminar and curriculum back in September, I knew that I did not want to do something cliche for Valentine's day later this week. But honestly, I don't remember my thinking for choosing "release." Perhaps I thought that if we released that which no longer served, if we cleared out some emotional, mental, spiritual clutter, we'd have more room in our hearts to love more openly and deeply. Or perhaps I thought about how practicing non-attachment can lead to loving compassion and acceptance.

Whatever my initial motivations were, it turned out to be exactly the right class for those who came. We were a small group. It was blustery and cold outside. Everyone seemed to need a little nurturing, so we began class with an extended check-in over hot cocoa and animal crackers. Eventually we got around to the topic of "release", and most everyone said it was exactly what they needed at this time. Funny the way that works out.

Here's the thing to know about doing a "release" mandala: It is about pouring everything you have into the artwork, pouring your heart and soul into it, and then offering it up to the heavens as a prayer. The key is to unconditionally trust the process and let it all go. As a result, there are no pictures of participant artwork this month. At the end of our session, during our sharing, participants talked about their piece and what they were willing to let go of at this time. And then they ripped their mandalas up, releasing all that they had been holding onto.

As always, a very interesting conversation ensued. We discussed the role of boundaries as both contained and fluid, the role of personal responsibility in creating our reality both individually and collectively, moving through fear to get to the next level in our professional lives, letting go of old wounds and expectations. My sense is that it was a very healing experience for everyone there.

Interested in what we're doing? You can always join the circle. Next month we are meeting March 10. Our topic is "The Rainbow Spectrum". We will begin with an exercise to explore the interplay of light and color and then use what we have learned to create radiant, rainbow colored creations. I hope to see you there.....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for continuing to blog about this seminar. Even though I haven't been in the class, I feel as if I am getting something of the flavor of it. The energy of the group sounds wonderful. The idea to "release" the drawings is very intriguing, and I find that because of the intention behind that, I don't miss seeing the drawings on the blog (although I usually look forward to seeing them each month!). Thanks again for making this happen and letting us know about it!
