February 9, 2008

The Evolution of Art Continues...

Here we are again at Beanetics Coffee Roasters for the artist's reception for the third show in the "Evolution of Art" series. This month's exhibit features photographs by Kathy Strauss. We'll be blogging all evening, as we always do, so come by and join us!

As you can see, we're having a great time here. Lots of people are stopping by to say hi to Kathy and see her fabulous photos!
Kathy's photographs are dynamic, and vividly colorful. They really brighten up the place! They explore patterns, repeating lines, color and shadow, angles and shapes. Every image is striking; they draw you in so you want to look more closely.

Here's what Kathy says about her work:
Have you ever walked by a scene and seen something that takes your breath away? You remember these images in your dreams--they might be clear, they might be small and slightly out of focus, but for some reason it sticks with you, you feel its energy, it makes you feel good. I try to capture this energy in each photograph I take, allowing the viewer to feel.

I've always loved photography, but it wsn't until three years ago that the "photo bug" really bit me. My friends and family say that I see the world around me in a way other people don't. I am a graphic designer by trade, so I just say that I see it through a creative eye. I see images when I'm driving or walking around, when I'm visiting a winery or attending a wedding. My family and friends have learned that I will always be trailing behind, looking for just that perfect shot--maybe even laughing at me when they see me in some sort of contortionis position just to get that one shot! I have fun with my camera and want people to see what I see. It's just that simple.

My design background comes to life in my photography. I compose my shots with precision and harmony--sensitive to graphic composition, repetition, color, rhythm, reflection, pattern, and aesthetics. I always look at what makes the scene spark. I look at how image vibrates in me, making the image interesting to the viewer and allowing them to connect to the piece.

No matter what I shoot, I always see the bslsnce and composition between the elements. Is it the graphic design influence...or natural appeal for composition?


  1. Kathy Strauss's photos are incredibly striking--very colorful, with lots of interesting angles and juxtapositions. All of them really draw one into the image--you can almost feel yourself in the scene, as if you were there when the picture was taken. Definitely not what I would expect to see in a coffee shop--but then Beanetics is definitely no ordinary coffee shop!

    This is the third show I've seen at Beanetics, and each one has been different from the others. I really appreciate the variety of art that the "Evolution of Art" series has been featuring. The work is really high quality. I'm so glad that this kind of fine art is available right in the community.

    Thank you so much for this!

  2. The pictures bring back good memories of current and past living places. Yum...Blueberries reemind me of thhe Great Lakes. The Staircase reminds me of The Mission Trail in texas. Key Cottages remind me of New Orleans in the '80s. And so does Textures & Patterns which features ironwork.

  3. I really like the way Kathy captures interesting architectural anlges, amzing colors and shapes. And the framing really complimetns the pieces: wood from an old barn somewhere in the west.

  4. I really like the way this show is hung. Nice texture in the photos. Eccletic group of coffee lovers and art appreciators sparking riotous conversation.

  5. Kathy Strauss captures color in architecture, and nature with an eye for depth, light and texture. Her photography is full of light and is shot from just the right vantage point. This show looks fantastic here.

  6. This show looks really good. I like Kathy's eye for coposition and detail. I am very attracted to the blues and yellows in her photographs. I have several favorites: Key Cottages for the whites, Fort San Diego for the beautiful yellow wall, and Staircase. Very Nice! The red one, Textures & Patterns, is very interesting too.

    This space lends itself very nicely to small works.

  7. I absolutely love the photography! beautiful textures/scenes of Mexico. I also like the frames. Where did you find these?

  8. I came to see Kathy's work because I do photography as well. I came to get ideas about exhibiting my own photo images in the future.

    The frames Kathy chose are really interesting.

  9. The Evolution of Art series at Beanetics was fantastic. I am regularly looking for opportunities to experience local artists, this was a wonderful opportunity. Kathy's work is beautiful, she has a wonderful eye. Thank-you for the fun. Roushco

  10. We had a wonderful time tonight and even snagged an anniversary gift for the grandparents! Kathy's photos are crisp with a flare of otherworldliness that shows up in the edges. Her choice of frames made the photos only that much stronger.

    Thank you!

  11. We had such a blast. My folks are going to LOVE the photo we purchased. What a great event. That place is so cool!
