January 12, 2008

Sneak Peek: "Shavuah Tov": A Good Week

Here's another "heads-up" about an upcoming show of my artwork. "Shavuah Tov": A Good Week is an installation of seven brand-new (created especially for this exhibit!), large acrylic paintings, each of which explores the layers of meanings in one of the days of the week.

To whet your appetite, here's what "Shabbat" looks like:

The installation will be on display in the Library at Temple Rodef Shalom, 2100 Westmoreland Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22043, from February 7th through March 12th. I'll be at the temple on Sunday, February 10th, from 10:30am to 1pm for a "Meet the Artist" session--hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. congradulations on getting the week done. It was a joy to see you with paint on your nose and a paint brush stuck behind your ear when you answered your door. It becomes you. You actually radiated a glow. I know and feel these are truely sacred compositions.
