April 10, 2007


Dear Friends,

Welcome to my blog! This blog is part of my "Journey Circles" artwork exhibit at Peace and a Cup of Joe Cafe, 713 W. Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland. The show runs through May 18, 2007; there will be an artist's reception on Saturday, April 28th, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. I hope to see you there!

I hope you'll visit this blog often, join the conversation, and, of course, visit the show itself and buy lots of my art to support a wonderful organization called Project Create--which is very near and dear to my heart.

To get things started, here's a little information about the show:

The pieces in this show represent steps along my personal journey. At the same time, I believe that they are universal, archetypal images that reflect the collective journey that we are all on together.

I work from the inside out, manifesting intention in a tangible form. My work is a reflection of my inner landscape: I traipse around in my own psyche, searching for the gold. Although I’ve gone great distances, I continue to find myself coming back to the center. In many ways my art is a reminder to myself of who I am. Even if the impetus for a particular piece is a challenging situation, my intention and focus are on healing and love, looking for the light within and reflecting it outwardly.

I use colored pencils on black paper to draw the light of my soul out of the dark. I don’t always know what the final image will look like when I begin this process. Over the years, I’ve learned to trust the process and let the intention radiate on the page.

I believe that what we focus on is what we create. Individually and collectively, we create our reality through what we think, say, and do. I believe that art should be a positive influence in the world. It should help uplift one’s spirit and reflect the beauty and radiance of the world and ourselves.

My hope and my belief is that anyone and everyone who views these images will find something that resonates for them—something that reflects their own journey. I invite you to join me in exploring the circle journey we are already sharing.

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