April 10, 2007

Narrow Bridge

Here's the "promo" image for my show. The name of this piece is Narrow Bridge.

This drawing was inspired by a song of the same name by Reb David Zeller, which quotes Reb Nachman of Bratslav: “All the world is just a narrow bridge, and above all is not to fear at all.”

The shaft of white at the center of this drawing represents the world in which we live on a day-to-day basis. We think we live only on that narrow bridge, and we are afraid we might fall off into the void.

That narrow bridge is a sound wave, because God created the world through sound—through the act of speaking. We and God continue to co-create our reality through what we think, say, and do, individually and collectively.

If we can acknowledge the presence of God in everything—even what we fear—then we begin to understand that there is really nothing to fear because God is everything and everything is One.

The narrow bridge extends through four concentric circles that represent the four worlds (physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual) that we inhabit. We may think that is all there is. In this drawing, there are ten layers, including areas of darkness. These ten layers represent the sephirot of the Etz Chaim—and the vastness of God’s creation.

If we are truly centered and in connection with the divine, we understand that we inhabit all of creation. We are not separate from this creation; we are part of it—and so much more.


  1. If you haven't had a chance to see Jennifer's work live, you really should. Computer monitors do not do the depth of her colors justice! Even though they are "flat" pictures, you can feel their depth and their energy.

    If you want to see some samples of her work -- to give you a taste to go and see her show -- go to her website and select "Gallery" (tiferet). There are three galleries with more that 40 works to see. Once you look at them you will want to go to the show and see them for yourself! :-)

  2. I have some of Jennifer's artwork hanging in my home. I love sitting with my steamy cup of cocoa and meditating on the images. They help me feel settled and grounded. They are wonderful meditation tools for feeling balanced.

    I hope you'll go see her work. It's amazing.

  3. Well written article.
