January 20, 2010

14 Local Students Exhibit in Group Show at MOCA DC

Fourteen Chai School students from Congregation Beth Emeth in Herndon, Virginia  have their work on display as part of the larger exhibit, Every Picture Tells A Story, at MOCA DC gallery, through January 30th.

The teen artists include: Alix, Faye Aarons, Michael Anderson, Amanda Barkan, Josh Biderman, Anna Lise Filippone, Kate Gorbach, Hannah Kaplan, Josh Katz, Patrick Lesch, Geena May, Madeline Paul, Chiara Sauvage & Jessica Schwartz.

All the works are mixed media, and depict one of the stories in Genesis. After students studied the parsha (Torah Portion) of their choosing, each student created an original work of art to explore the meaning of the story. Each piece is a unique visual d'var torah. Some pieces are abstract in nature.

Josh Biderman's "Avram's Mind" (exploring the psychological impact on Abraham when God tells him to leave his home, family, and community and go out to unknown lands to make a new life)

Hannah Kaplan's "Jacob and Rachel" (portraying the plight of Jacob in his desire to marry Rachel).

Other pieces are more representational:

Madeline Paul's piece, "The Wrestling," depicting Jacob grabbing one of Esau's heel while still in Rebecca's womb, alluding to the sibling rivalry of the twins even before they were born.

Geena May and Patrick Lesch both did pieces portraying Joseph's coat.

Geena's piece, "Joseph's Coat," explores the extra-special nature of the coat Joseph's father gave him as compared to the coats of his brothers.

And Patrick's piece, "Deception," shows Joseph's coat after his brother's dipped it in the lamb's blood to convince their father that his beloved son, Joseph, was dead.

This is a show worth seeing!
Come on out to the reception honoring these wonderful students this Saturday, January 23, 2010 from 7-9pm.

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