January 3, 2009

EVOLUTION OF ART: Photographs by Michelle d. Parrish

Today we hung the first show of the new year at Beanetics: photographs by Michelle d. Parrish.

According to Michelle:

My creativity is not fueled by a passion for making art, but by a desire to make a difference in the world through art. Art creates a fabric, telling a story of our history, and my ability to make a contribution to it is the basis of my passion.

Michelle has a great eye, and the ability to capture the essence of a scene. Just take a look at "Into Darkness," a shot of the Third Street Tunnel. If you've been in DC, you've probably been through that tunnel. It seems like it goes on forever (especially during rush-hour). Michelle managed to get this image at a time when no other cars were around... a major feat in and of itself. What I like about this image is the movement of lines and light. It draws the viewer in. I feel like I'm speeding through the tunnel to get to whatever is around that corner.

Michelle is an artist in many forms. As a painter, she creates vibrant abstract and mixed media paintings of flowing organic shapes alive with bold color patterns and an excellent eye for balance. Her ear for poetry and her eye for irony in life and nature shines through in her collection of fine art photography. Michelle is also an innovative curator with the ability to pull together collections of art and place them together fluidly as if they were all one body of work. She curates Peace and a Cup of Joe in Baltimore.

When she is not dabbling in the world of making art, she is writing. A published essayist, Parrish is working on her first book, which will blend her love for art with one of her favorite passions: cooking.

Formally trained as a writer with a BA in English Language and Writing from the University of Maryland, Parrish is refining her artistic talents by taking courses in photography and learning techniques from other experienced artists.

Parrish is the founder of the ThickArt Collaborative, LLC, an artistic think tank working to promote and support the creative offering art provides the world. She is the creator of Making HerStory,an annual celebration of women in the arts founded in 2006.

Here's a list of pieces from her show at Beanetics. If you are interested in purchasing any of them, contact me via e-mail: jennifer@soulworksstudio.com, or via phone: (703)256-0485. I'm always happy to help fine art find its rightful home!

1. WATERLINE ($75)
4. WINTER IN N.E. ($125)
5. YELLOWS ($75)
6. REDS ($75)

1 comment:

  1. Cool photo! I'd be very interested to see more of Michelle's work--guess I'll have to check it out!
