June 5, 2008

I've been "BRASH"ed at ARTOMATIC

Today I went to Artomatic to tour the works of WCA artists with other fellow WCA-ers. We saw art by the following WCA artists:

  • Sherrill Anne Gross
  • Sharon Keyser-Jackson
  • Marina Reiter
  • Menucha
  • Nana Bagdavadze
  • Luba Sterlikova
  • Mara Odette
  • Jane Pettit
  • Robin Jane Walker
  • Kirsten L. Bruner
  • Brandy Gruner
  • Cynthia Farrell Johnson
  • Carole Lyles Shaw
  • Jean Adamson
  • and me, Jennifer Judelsohn

It was fun going through the many floors of exhibit space, seeing the many and varied artistic styles, media, and techniques. As always, I am inspired by the talents of others.

Walking around today, I noticed that many artists' spaces had been visited by "Brash", the local self-proclaimed Artomatic poet. Brash tries to write a poem to each and every artist exhibiting at Artomatic. Some floors had more poems attached to the art spaces than others. "Brash" creates as inspired, but seems to work primarily by floor. Yesterday seemed to be the 6th floors turn to be Brashed.

I was thrilled to find that I too had been "Brash"ed. Here's the poem that was left for me yesterday at my "Climbing the Tree" exhibit:


You dance through the levels
Of a personal spirituality.
The universe's edge bevels
Into a prism of eternity.

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