May 11, 2008

"Climbing the Tree" at Artomatic

In my work, I explore the places where art and spirituality meet and the dynamic practice of being in relation with the Ineffable Mystery of Life. This show, Climbing the Tree, represents my exploration of spiritual concepts and symbols (the Tree of Life and the ten archetypal energy patterns of creation, the Sephirot) of Kabbalah (the Jewish mystical path).
The Tree of Life is a cosmological blueprint of the universe. It contains 10 primordial elements (sephirot) and 22 connecting lines. Schematically, the Tree of Life is drawn as three vertical lines with the center being the trunk and representing the four sephirot of Keter, Tiferet, Yesod, and Malkhut. The left vertical line is one branch of the Tree, representing the sephirot of Binah, Gevurah, and Hod. The right vertical line (branch) represents the three sephirot of Chokhmah, Chesed, and Netzach. The entire system (sephirot and lines together) is referred to as the 32 paths of wisdom.
Each sephira is an archetypal representation of a divine emanation/attribute present in creation, and represents a wide range of categories. The Sephirot are the media through which the Divine interacts with the universe. These qualities are a relection of the Divine throughout the universe, and enable us to interact meaningfully with the world around us. The Sephirot, however, are not the Divine. When combined together, they provide the mystical ingredients to form everything in the universe, be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Everything in life can be associated with the Tree of Life.
  • Keter – Crown, Eternity, Will, Purpose, Internal Mind
  • Chokhmah – Wisdom, Undifferentiated, Essential Identification
  • Binah – Understanding, Discernment
  • Chesed – Loving Kindness, Giving
  • Gevurah – Strength, Justice, Restraint
  • Tiferet – Beauty, Harmony, Balance, Truth
  • Netzach – Dominance, Victory, Endurance
  • Hod – Embracing Empathy, Submission, Majesty, Splendor
  • Yesod – Foundation, Creative Forces
  • Malkhut Sovereignty, Receiving, Reciprocity

The prices for the artwork are as follows:

Tree of Life: $1800.00
Sephirot: $125.00 each.

So far, Tiferet, Netzach, and Chokhmah are sold!

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