September 6, 2009

2 More Flint Photos Have Sold!

Two more of Peter Flint's photos from his exhibit "New Perspectives" were purchased today. Congratulations, Peter!

This morning I got a call from Beanetics: A patron wanted to buy two photographs that are currently on display, so I ran right over. "Tide Pool" sold yesterday; "Tree" and "Depth" sold today... How fabulous is that?

Susan, today's art patron, is a Beanetics regular. We chatted for a while about the various shows we've had at the coffee shop and her interest in photography. She said she loved the interweave of coffee, art, and community. Even without the sale of the art, she made my day. That was exactly my intention almost two years ago, when I approached David and Amy, the owners of Beanetics. As someone who lives in the community, I wanted to help make Beanetics a community space, and I felt I could contribute by finding great artists to exhibit there.

We've been doing it for about 18 months, and it's been a great success. We've shown a wide variety of artists and art media, running the gamut from pastel drawings to en
caustics, to assemblage, to acrylic and oil paintings, to photography. The mission of the "Evolution of Art" series is to show up-and-coming artists from around the area. Customers have been favorably impressed with the artwork, the shop has continued to generate buzz within the community, and many of the artists have sold pieces of their work.

Peter Flint, whose photographs are currently on display, is not just another artist, though. He also works at Beanetics. This connection adds to the whole experience because there is an even greater dovetailing of art, coffee, and community.

Peter's photos are on display for just a little while longer--through September 12th. Come in and see what all the buzz is about, and perhaps purchase one for yourself while they're hot!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer....looks like you have been busy doing wonderful things! Peter's pics are beautiful. I was looking at your mandalas the other day with my sister....was thinking of getting in touch to chat about them since I have been doing a little work that's related. shana tova...Shirah Apple
