June 27, 2009

Sweet Things in Life... Hangin' Out at Artomatic!

So I've been here for a while hanging out at Artomatic, up on the 7th floor. I've been sitting in the lounge area next to the PEEPS display, people-watching. It's fun to see the delight on the faces of people, young and old, as they explore all the PEEPS dioramas, appreciating the creativity.

About a half hour ago, the PEEPS artists began to arrive and the party is underway, including free PEEPS. I'm not sure I even knew what a PEEPS was before last year's Artomatic, and now I see them all the time, since my space is directly opposite the PEEPS display. And for the first time ever, I ate a chocolate covered PEEPS. Flavor-wise, not much to write home about, although the dark chocolate coating was good. And I've had other chocolate covered marshmallows before. And yet, I think it was the novelty of it... it tasted fun! It tasted like childhood. Not my childhood necessarily, as we didn't do a lot of candy, but generic childhood.

I've heard people say that they don't get the whole PEEPS thing. I think it's a throwback to childhood. Remember when you had to make a diorama for a class in school. Maybe it was a history class, or as an illustration of a book you had to read. So there's that component, with the adult twist of pun and humor. Plus, how often do you create art with candy. I know I don't do that very often, or more like never... I think it is wonderful that creative juices flow in all sorts of sweet ways. Stop by the PEEPS exhibit. Perhaps it'll inspire you to create some art, or maybe to just take the time to enjoy the sweet things in life.

I also love to watch as people engage with my art. Sitting here, in the lounge area, I have a great view of my space. It's fun to see people stop and look. I loved the guys who took pictures in front of my installation. They said they were "blown away by the colors!" Other people are intrigued by the way I used the corner, covered the pole, mounted my lights. I love all the feedback. It feels like a little lovefest. It reminds me of the times I taught in England and everyone told me I was "brilliant!" It was food for my soul. We all love positive affirmation. So thanks to all of you who've stopped by and signed my book so far. I appreciate your kind words. I think of them as some of the sweet things in life!

If you're coming to Artomatic tonight for the Meet the PEEPS Artists Party, have a look around and then do a 180. Stop by my space, directly across from the PEEPS. My contribution to the sweet things in life: CUPCAKES!

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