February 4, 2009

Making Herstory 4: Feminine Reflection

I am very excited to be co-curating this show with Michelle d. Parrish. Michelle has been an inspiration for me. It was watching her curate the space at Peace and a Cup of Joe in Baltimore, Maryland that gave me the courage to approach the owners of the coffee roasting enterprise in my neighborhood to see if they were interested in showcasing local up-and-coming artists. It is one step toward my dream of having an arts place called Neshama Soulworks Studio at the Old Church Gallery. Yes, someday I think it would be fun (and a bit ironic) to own an old church and turn it into an art gallery and workshop space.

I believe that it is important for voices that have been marginalized in the past to have the opportunity to make their voice heard. That is one thing that I admiore about the Making Herstory series that Michelle has created.

As an artist, I previously participated in Making Herstory 2 and 3. The opening receptions were invigorating and inspiring; the rooms were filled with visual artists, musicians, poets. Given the chance to help create such an event is a thrill. When Michelle asked me if I'd be interested in joining her in this endeavor, I immediately said "YES!." I was excited by the idea of a three-venue art show (Sewall-Belmont House and Museum, Peace and a Cup of Joe, and Beanetics). I also loved the idea of gathering together creative women who expressed themselves through a larger lens than simply visual art. Women's art is encompassed in how we live our lives, and this show explores that in a very dynamic way.

I am honored to be co-curating this event and hope you will join us at the Grande Reception at Sewall-Belmont House and Museum on Thursday, March 5th, from 6-8pm.

And continue checking this blog and the Making Herstory blog (http://makingherstoryartseries.blogspot.com) for further updates.

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