January 6, 2009

Miraculous Life: Art-Making as a Spiritual Practice

Last night was the January session of the Art-Making as a Spiritual Practice seminar. The air was filled with the excitement of the New Year as we gathered together in the Art Center at Goodwin House.

This time of year is a great time to focus on the themes of newness, beginning, creating vision. We began with a long check-in, a time to share our thoughts on the year just ended, and what we are hoping for in the new year. We had a couple new people who joined us this month, and they were kindred spirits. For the newcomers we reviewed the premise of the class: we are focused on process rather than product as we approach art-making as a spiritual practice. Everyone shared their ideas of the dovetail between the ideas of faith and trust required in any spiritual practice and the process of creating art. We discussed how sometimes the process of creation can be lonely, or messy, or challenging. We talked of the emotional investment required to birth creative works: joy, frustration, anxiety, satisfaction, etc. Everything comes up during the creative process. Yet, I pointed out, emotions and the creative process in general are a lot like the weather -- always changing. Thus, there is no need to be attached to any part of it along the way. It is simply a matter of engaging fully in the process and allowing the results to manifest as they will. If you don't like the result, no problem. The process was worthwhile just because you engaged in it and learned something from it. Not every piece of art will be a masterpiece. That does not mean that each experience lacks value. On the contrary, the very act of engaging in the process is what give it its intrinsic value. We talked about how the path is an individual, as well as a group, experience. Though each of us is doing our own artwork, there is a synergy of group experience that gives us strength to carry on through difficult times, or spurs us exponentially to new heights of inspired creativity.

After our "getting to know you" introductory period, we settled into a meditation:
If you woke up tomorrow and a miracle had happened, how would you live your miraculous life? What would it look like? What would you be doing? Who would you be? How would you be?

Using the journal books from our first night, everyone took some time to journal about their meditation, focusing on their inner vision. After some time of creating in their journals, the group regathered and together we made a list of OUR MIRACULOUS LIVES. This was a most fascinating conversation designed to build a group focus for manifesting all of our individual visions. Together we are creating a container for these things to birth forth into the world.

Here's our list of OUR MIRACULOUS LIVES (in no particular order, rhyme, or reason):

  • There is a change in the emphasis of writing from rhetoric and thinking to the reader. For more on this check out Tom Rollins and The Teaching Company.
  • Improved health for ourselves, family members, friends.
  • Kitty's house is sold.
  • Jennifer and David buy a house.
  • Lots of creative endeavors are started, worked on, and completed such as novels, watercolors paintings, poetry.
  • Healing Center and labyrinth find a new home.
  • Places to walk in and among nature and beauty abound.
  • Meditate regularly.
  • Oak tree sculpture arises out of the art community at Goodwin House.
  • Healing gardens with rocks and stones, metal sculpture, inspiring quotes.
  • Exercise together.
  • Healthy relationships.
  • Obtain funding for public art projects.
  • Tibetan Buddha baby of on-going, slow spreading yogic enlightenment.
  • Swami Robes are sewn to resemble rice paddies.
  • All things reflect.
  • The universe within and the universe without are one.
  • Art/music/movement healing "therapies" provided in a shelter.
  • Jobs we/they love for all who want them.
  • Travel around the world.
  • Universal/cosmos/porcupine guides. (You had to be there to hear the poem that poured forth from Ann during her mediation and journaling.)
  • Words come easily for grant-writing.
  • Set one's self free.
  • Experience Deep Spiritual joy.
  • Quest to let go of old, out-dated, no longer useful beliefs and create new healthy, effective ones.
  • And lastly, a quote from Joseph Campbell:
    "If you step out, you will always find a helper."

Then the real fun began. We did the art project of the evening: drawing out the image (using chalk pastels). Each person got a piece of 18"x24" watercolor paper. Using a palette based on the colors of their eyes, each person covered the paper with color. The idea was to create a background from which the image(s) would emerge. Since, as they say, the eyes are the window to the soul, each person used their individual eye colors as a way to connect with their inner soul vision. After creating the background, everyone took time to see what emerged from the depths.

A hint for those of you who may want to try this at home: if no image distinctly emerges, you can begin to darken areas that seem a little darker, and lighten areas that seem a little lighter. This will help create distinction in your background and may help an image emerge.
And here are a few samples of the images created out of the depths that evening. As always, I am blown away by the results that evolve from this process. I know that sounds a bit silly, as I am such an advocate for trusting the process. Still, I am filled with wonder and amazement at what fruits are borne. Each is a work of beauty and symbolic essence, carrying meaning for both the individual that created it and enriching the psyches of those who engaged in the process. I hope you will be inspired to create your own soul vision image. I trust that you too will find it a gratifying experience.

We ended our time together as we always do, with a bit of sharing of images and experiences. And then Caroline shared a poem she had written with us:

For we shall speak together once again
and every answer
shall be perfect
throughout the aisles of time.
I am already looking forward to next month's gathering, a time to celebrate the deep connection offered in a place of community and creativity!

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