November 1, 2008

Hanging the next show at Beanetics

Today was another one of those days at Beanetics when we take down one artist's show and hang the next artist's work. Vicky Beine's work received much praise. Patrons of the coffee shop really liked the floral, asian pottery, and fruit motifs. Vicky's technique received much praised throughout the run of her show.

And now we have a new artist, Cindy Lang, with a completely different subject matter, who is already receiving great comments from the Beanetics patrons. As we were hanging her show, several folks, on their way in for their favorite cup of coffee, expressed an interest and commented on her work which focuses on scenes from a cross country trip she took by herself. What lovely and inviting vistas. These images will make you want to hop in your car and head for the hills, or more specifically, the ranges where the buffalo roam, the small towns, the mountains, the gorges that make up our beautiful nation.

Stop by Beanetics this month. The coffee's always hot, and the art is surely worth viewing.

In case you're interested in any of Cindy's pieces, here's the price list. Give me a holler and I'll work out the transaction details with you!

1. Sunset, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, ..................................$830
2. Continental Divide Approaching Butte, Montana,...................995
3. Mt. Baker, Washington,...........................................850
4. Ranchester, Wyoming, and Fires at Yellowstone,...................995
5. Buffalo in Black Hills, South Dakota,..........................1,650
6. Hurricane Ike, Galveston, Texas, Seawall,........................850

We're having an artist reception for Cindy next Sunday, November 9th from 1-3pm. Stop by and say hello. I know Cindy would love to talk to you about her art, her life, and her travels.

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