September 18, 2008


I am pleased to announce this year's seminar, once again to be held at the wonderful art center in Goodwin House-Bailey's crossroads. Last years art seminar, Circles of Creativity, was such a wonderful experience for everyone involved that I've decided to do it again. This year we are focusing on the process of making art from a spiritual perspective. Unlike last year where we focused on one modality, mandalas, this year we are going to explore all sorts of art-making techniques. I am looking forward to a year of creative inspiration and wonder. Here are the details. I hope you will join me!

Making art is more than making something of beauty. It is a spiritual and transformative practice that helps us understand who we are in a deep way. Making art is not about talent; it is about exploring and expressing our creativity, inner wisdom, and truth for transformation and well-being. Art is a powerful force in the life of individuals, communities, and the world.

In this workshop, you'll approach the art process in a new way, using a variety of materials and easy-to-learn techniques to stretch your artistic "muscles." You'll access intuitive powers, give voice to your spirit, and nurture your soul. You'll discover new ways of seeing and experience art as a tool for self-discovery. Along the way, you'll have an opportunity to acknowledge and honor your creative spirit--and make several original works of art.

This seminar is ideal for artists, mental health practitioners and other healers, body workers, spiritual leaders, and anyone who is interested in or already involved in personal or spiritual development. The emphasis is on process, not product, so no art talent or experience is necessary.

I hope you'll join me for this year's journey of exploration. Come and celebrate the joy of creative inspiration!

Dates:October 6, 2008; November 3, 2008; December 1, 2008; January 5, 2009; February 2, 2009; March 2, 2009; April 6, 2009; May 4, 2009

Time:7:30-9:30 pm

Location:Arts Studio, Goodwin House Baileys Crossroads, 3440 E. Jefferson Street, Falls Church, Virginia

Cost: $325 if prepaid by September 29th, $360 afterward

To register, make checks payable to Neshama Soulworks Studio and mail to
P.O.Box 2716, Merrifield, VA 22116-2716.

For more information or to make payment by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express), contact me at (703) 256-0485 or

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

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