March 11, 2008

Circles of Creativity: The Rainbow Spectrum

Last night was another session of the Circles of Creativity mandala class at Goodwin House. Unlike last month, where we focused heavily on an inner process of release, this month we focused on technique, practicing creating luminosity through the rainbow spectrum. Here's a picture of some of our rainbow spectrum drawings.

To assist in understanding the concept of light and color as spiritual energy, I led the class through the following meditation. It is the best meditation I know for exploring the essence of illuminated color.

The Rainbow Mediation:

Close your eyes, find your center, and take a few deep breaths.
Focus your energy on your first chakra, at the root base of your spine.
See the color red. Hear red. Smell Red. Taste red. Be red.

Now move your focus up to your second chakra, in the pelvic region.
See the color orange. Hear orange. Smell orange. Taste Orange. Be the color orange.

Allow your attention to move up to your third chakra, in your navel region.
See the color yellow. Hear yellow. Smell yellow. Taste yellow. Be the color yellow.

Now move your attention up to your fourth chakra, in your heart region. This is the bridge between below and above.

See the color green. Hear green. Smell green. Taste green. Be the color green.

Now allow your attention to flow up to your fifth chakra, the throat region.
See the color blue. Hear blue. Smell blue. Taste blue. Be the color blue.

Bring your attention to your sixth chakra, your third eye, located above and between your eyebrows. See the color violet. Hear violet. Smell violet. Taste Violet. Be the color violet.

Bring your attention to the seventh chakra, your crown.
See the color white. Hear white. Smell white. Taste white. Be the color white.

Allow the white light energy to cascade down around you like a waterfall, surrounding you completely in a fountain of white light.

Now allow this cascading white light to rise up through your core as you experience
  • Illuminated Red in your root chakra,
  • Illuminated Orange in your second chakra,
  • Illuminated Yellow in your third chakra,
  • Illuminated Green in your fourth chakra,
  • Illuminated Blue in your fifth chakra,
  • Illuminated Violet in your sixth chakra, and
  • Illuminated White in your seventh chakra.
Now allow this Illuminated Rainbow of Light to flow through you and out your crown enveloping you in a fountain of cascading Rainbow Light. Continue to move this Rainbow of Light through your core and around you until it fills you.

Once again, begin to focus on your breath, becoming aware of your breath entering your system as you breathe in, and exiting your system as you breathe out. Follow your breath as you come back to ordinary awareness, bringing with you the experience of embodying the rainbow.

Here's a tip for those who want to use this meditation before working on a mandala. When you draw your mandala, bring this experience into your process, and let that rainbow energy shine through you onto your page. Remember that you are not merely drawing with colored pencils, but rather are using light wands that embody the spiritual energy of that color. If you run the rainbow energy through you as in the mediation, it will infuse your drawing with radiance and luminosity.

Here's a sampling of drawings from our session:

We meet again April 7th. I hope to see you there!

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