May 20, 2007

So Here We Are Again!

We're here st Peace and a Cup of Joe, having a great time! Thanks to everyone for showing up today to support me and Project Create. A special thanks to Demar at Peace and A Cup of Joe for being so generous and inviting. It has been an absolute pleasure to have my art show here, in a place that supports the community and the arts.

Come on over and have a glass of wine, see some art, chat with friends, and blog with me.


  1. I'm definitely excited to be at Peace and a Cup of Joe today. The art is so inspiring, and the setting is perfect! Great atmosphere. I look forward to seeing lots of people here to enjoy the art and support the cause.

  2. I drove up from Takoma Park to see Jennifer's work and am very impressed. Not only are these pieces visually inviting there is something about them that calls for lingering and entering into a dialogue. I found Transformation particularly intriguing, even more so as Jennifer shared that for her each stroke of the pencil is a call to prayer.

  3. These are some amazing pieces!!! It's hard to pick a favorite, although there is this great one that I am affectionately calling "Glowing Vagina" that is screaming for me to place it above my fireplace...

  4. A moment ago, I was sitting under Jennifer's "Shekinah In The Garden". After this, I'm going back to it. You can read endless ! it's nice stuff to read about.

    BUT, if you want to SEE it, come here!!

  5. I am so glad the show was extended! Jennifer's work is wonderful-inspiring, thoughtful, and mesmerizing. A definite must see! I hope she comes back to Baltimore soon.

  6. The show is great. I really love the fall colors presented in Jennifer's two mixed media pieces upstairs - They make you go, "ah"

  7. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon - enjoying a cup of coffee (fabulous coffee, by the way), good conversation, and Jennifer's artwork! Although I have seen individual pieces of Jennifer's art before, it is truly inspiring to see them all together.

    While a previous poster favored "glowing vagina" - I think my favorite is "bubbles" (technically "returning to the light.")

    Intrigued? Come and see for yourself!

  8. p of tea at a great place of of MLK on Pratt and was pleasantly suprised to discover a show of by Jennifer Judelsohn. There were about 20+ pieses that were represented most of the work dating from 2001 with some pieces from 2003 and 2007 work. The work shows a tremendous range of expression using pastel pencil and portraying the intent of the artist.

  9. My first impression Jennifer was of bringing Peace to the middle east and the whole world, universe. In our conversation spoke about taking responsibility through creating art to bring about the changes in the world that we so pray for.

    Thank You

  10. I stopped into Peace and a Cup of Joe on my way to Philadelphia to see Jennifer's show. It's amazing! I'd heard about her newest work, the Red Series, but had never seen it. It blew me away. If you haven't seen Jennifer's work yet, you need to. It's incredibly inspiring.

  11. Jennifer great show!!

    Your work is so inspirational; Love Blossom is reminding me of the effort that is being put into using new fuel sources in Hawaii. This is power that is all around us that nature has provided since the beginning of time.
